Friends vs. Acquaintances

An interesting cultural difference I’ve found between Russian culture and American culture is the different attitudes/relations to the word “Friend” 👭🏼

In LA, you have ONE conversation with a person and they’re automatically your “friend”. You say, “yes! Let’s go to this or that place, definitely!” And never follow up. Oh well, that wasted energy will always be floating around out there somewhere in the ether🌌

And even if you don’t consider a person you just met your friend, you can’t call them a “pleasant acquaintance” because that’s just not socially acceptable, that’s not an option❌ There are no words that are considered in between the word “friend” + “acquaintance” that are used regularly in the English language.

In Russian, we feel free in using “acquaintance” with no negative connotation attached! Totally fine, totally normal and, frankly, as I think it natural to be. If everyone’s our “friend” then that just dilutes the meaning of what a friend truly is. Unless, you consider using “close friend”, but STILL, there’s no gradual gradation from stranger–>acquaintance–>friend. It’s just like, “BAM! We’re friends”. Huh? What? I just met you.

I play along, but it just really doesn’t make sense🤷🏼‍♀️

Officially a Certified Energy Healer

Something I’ve been dreaming of for many (many) years has come true, I have gotten certified as an Energy Healer!! I am so looking forward to the many ways I can contribute to the healing of myself, those around me, and (eventually) the WORLD 😃

The most beautiful thing about this, is how it is the SCIENTIFIC art of healing and has been backed by much evidence, experiments, actual healings, and miracles in real-life. After hearing many client’s stories and seeing for myself, there is NO denying that miracles and “magic” are real!

And it is much more than a placebo effect~

Shhh… it’s a secret

There’s something private that I know, a secret that I’ve been holding for years, a precious gem I’ve been nurturing, waiting, and renewing spiritually.

Ok, here goes… I’ve been abstinent for 5+ years!!! 😇😇😇

The next time I give my body away, it will be to someone who truly cares


A word on independence

So sad how our perception of falling in love gets clouded by fears and doubts as we obtain negative experiences. We close our minds and hearts to the possibility that something could work out (and especially as women, we can sow certain outcomes ten steps ahead).

I learned something recently about the differentiation of self in psychology that may seem evident but it just drove the point home: the more independent and comfortable you are with yourself, the more you can allow others to be close to you and risk the “dangers” of being close with others.